Ronni Campana is an Italian Photographer who finds the beauty in minute details with the help of his subtle humor and bright flash. The Milanese photographer has published work such as his previous series and book Badly Repaired Cars which documented a series of both expensive and inexpensive cars in London, which were badly repaired by the perspective of their owners. He also published the series F is for Fake which focused on the images of renown artwork reproduced as souvenirs and sold in the center of Florence to tourists.
However for his most recent series, the photographer teamed up with fashion designer Eva Di Franco on a mini-series focused on the shared qualities of the designer’s clothes with cheap supermarket food. The series entitled Nutritional Therapy features an interesting collection of close up dense images which tell a story of nature’s influence on fashion, or if you will, fashion’s influence of nature. We caught up with the photographer for a little Q & A to get a deeper insight on his series.

What is that you want this series to say to the people who view it ?
You can make interesting photographs with the most unexpected devices.
Is there a photo / piece that you are most proud of?
I think that the most interesting picture is the one with the mince meat and the pink garment. It is quite weird but strong!
Your last series focused on badly repaired car , what inspired that?
When I was living in east London, one day coming back from work I noticed a car repaired in a quite bizarre way. From that day I started focusing on this idea and decided to document and classify lots creative examples of DYI car repairs.
What artist inspires you the most?
Absolutely Martin Parr.
What work of art do you wish you owned?
Giorgio De Chirico Piazza D’Italia.

To view more of this photographer’s work, visit Cargo Collective.