Who: Grant Thomas, 17, London
What: Fashion photographer
On his work: “Some of my best ideas for shoots have come from the most mundane situations. The other day I was smoking on the ledge of a second storey window with Debbie [his stylist] and I decided to base a shoot on that.”
Influences: “The insanely talented Sebastian Kim, and the few close friends I surround myself with.”
Grant’s favourite photograph: “I’m a sucker for liking my most recent work – so at the moments it’s an image of the strong-faced model, Georgia Davies (below). She’s standing tough, but elegantly, wearing a vintage floral dress, a white leather corset and the tallest shoes known to man. Truly good photos have the ability to make me cry – so I like people to feel something from my photography too.”
Not many people know: Grant’s originally from Wales and moved to London by himself when he was 16 years old.