Robert Grey is the friend we all need right now. As they explain, “with the world as it is, a note from a friend in the right moment can mean the difference between disaster and delight.” The trauma-informed therapist and reiki master has become well known with those in the know as a compassionate, intersectional and conscious practitioner. Their journey as a trans non-binary healer lit the way for their path of self-love and self-acceptance. Now they are sharing these tools in an innovative audio subscription that offers spiritual guidance and wellbeing practices for daily life. Differing from mindfulness apps and larger scale one-size-fits-all enterprises, Robert’s notes are warm and personal. They offer moments of reflection, meditation and contemplation to help navigate the day at hand.

Be Where You Are: Notes From A Friend are five minute voice notes recorded during robert’s self practice each day and sent on that morning, so that the practice can be shared. These intimate insights stem from Robert’s own experience and often include explorations in astrology, tarot, ritual, meditation, devotion and self-healing. This sense of a wider community listening in adds to the appeal for subscribers and for Robert also, “I offer ongoing support for a community that in turn supports me. I believe in a healer for every village, so this subscription has essentially become my village.” To have the velvet voice of a caring friend send healing vibrations through your phone speaker we think sounds dreamy, and is a good way of remembering to take moments in the day for self care.

Robert’s note for today:
“There are many kinds of love, and in my experience they each request the same simple devotion: that we become open to it”.

Available now for £9.99 per month at